Our Services

Family Therapy

Grow, thrive, and overcome adversity – together

No family on Earth is perfect. Not even the ones who paint a picture of happily-ever-after bliss on social media. Behind the plastered-on smiles and forced poses lies a different story; a tale of strain, disdain, disputes, and hostility. Every family experiences hardships, and while it’s common – it’s not normal. Family feuds negatively impact every member of the house, even young children who are deeply psychologically affected by adverse events during their formative years.

As a passionate practicing Marriage and Family Therapist, I’ve been helping families move past adversity since 2016. Now that I have my own dedicated family therapy practice near you, I can show you what it takes to discover life on the other side of familial trauma.

In my experience, the problem normally comes in when stubbornness prevents family members from attempting to see circumstances from the point of view of another. But it’s important to understand that we all view and witness life through our own lens – the one we were born with. The moment you understand what a situation looks like through the lens of another, healing begins.

My job as your local family therapist is to help you build a toolbox of healthy coping mechanisms and communication skills. Communication and openness are two of the most important tools in the family healing process, no matter what you’re going through. Communication is the key that opens the door to a happier, more manageable life as a family, whereby everyone is on the same page instead of fighting to make their page seen.

A family enjoying a field of dandelions
A woman makes a wish on a dandelion

Individual Therapy to Heal, Grow, and Thrive

There aren’t just two sides to every story. Sometimes, the story is a cube, or a hexagon, or a hendecagon. That’s why I offer individual therapy in Santa Rosa, because everyone has a story to share. I’m here to make it heard, so you can start healing.

If you’re going through a difficult time that you’re having trouble dealing with alone, then individual therapy in Santa Rosa could be the answer you’ve been searching for. Accepting that you’re unable to work through your personal issues alone is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, it showcases great strength that you are ready to face your demons head-on and work through them – step, by step, by step.

As a trained professional and licensed individual therapist near you, I’ve made it my mission to help people heal, grow, and reconnect with their innate joy in every session we share together. While I can’t guarantee that I can make your problems disappear entirely, I can promise that you’ll have my full support to work through your problems and change the way you see them.

Sometimes, a shift in perspective changes everything. Just look at the iceberg – what you see as a small chunk of ice sticking out of the ocean is actually underpinned by a much larger glacier that ventures deeper than the eye can see. Your complex emotional challenges are no different, but looking at them through a different lens is where healing begins.

Help your child move past the burden of trauma

Life is not a straight road. Far from it. It’s filled with ups, downs, and the off side-kick that throws us off balance and often makes us veer off course. When we go through something upsetting or even traumatic, we feel lost, hopeless and, worst of all, alone.

My name is Kelsey Spyrka, and I’m here to show your child that they are not – never have been, and never will be – alone. If you are a teenager going through a tough time, or if you’re the parent of a teen or child experiencing adversity, then let me be the trusted local therapist for children and adolescents your family needs.

As part of my affordable counseling and therapy for kids and teens, I help growing humans truly understand why they are going through what they’re going through. Understanding is one of the most important phases of the healing journey, as is communication. I embrace a depth-focused approach to therapy and psychotherapy, helping the kids and teens I work with make healthier decisions for their present and future – by understanding their past and how to move beyond it.

While it’s hard for a lot of parents to accept, children won’t always open up to you entirely about what they’re feeling. Sometimes, a neutral outsider and third-party is needed to understand what your child is going through and what needs to be done to help them. My goal is to help your child or teen open up and accept the healing process in a compassionate and caring environment. I am not here to judge or tell your child what to do. I’m here to guide them into making their own decisions by showing them where they are now, where they need to be, and what it will take to bridge that gap.

a child makes a wish with a dandelion